NPS Detractors

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a powerful tool that helps businesses gauge customer loyalty and overall satisfaction. Within the NPS system, a Detractor is a customer who, when asked, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [company/product/service] to a friend or colleague?” gives a score between 0 and 6. These scores indicate that the customer is not just unsatisfied but may also be feeling frustrated, disappointed, or even angry about their experience.

Role in NPS calculation

To calculate the Net Promoter Score, subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters (customers who give a score of 9 or 10). Passives (7 or 8) aren’t included but still impact customer sentiment. Detractors can significantly impact a company’s NPS, so it’s important to focus on reducing their numbers and converting them into Passives or, better, Promoters.

Importance of Detractors

Detractors are not just numbers on a survey; they are real people with genuine concerns that need to be heard and addressed. When a customer becomes a Detractor, it’s a clear signal that something has gone wrong in their experience with the company or product. Ignoring these voices can lead to lost business, negative word-of-mouth, and a tarnished reputation. On the flip side, taking the time to listen to Detractors and address their concerns shows that a company values its customers and is committed to improving their experience. This approach can turn a negative situation into an opportunity to build trust and loyalty.

Strategies for Addressing Detractors

Winning over Detractors requires a proactive, empathetic approach. Here are some strategies to help turn Detractors into satisfied customers and even brand advocates:

  1. Reach out with a genuine desire to understand their concerns. Show them that their feedback matters and that you’re committed to making things right.
  2. Take swift action to address their issues. Don’t just listen; follow through with meaningful solutions.
  3. Use Detractor feedback to identify and fix systemic problems that may be affecting other customers.
  4. Follow up to ensure that the customer’s concerns have been fully resolved and that they feel valued.

By putting in the effort to understand and address the needs of Detractors, companies can transform these dissatisfied customers into loyal supporters who will help spread positive word-of-mouth and contribute to long-term success.


NPS Detractors may seem like a challenge, but they represent an invaluable opportunity for growth and improvement. By listening to their concerns, taking action to address them, and showing genuine care for their experience, businesses can turn Detractors into satisfied customers and even brand advocates. Remember, behind every Detractor is a person who wants to be heard and valued.

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