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Crafting effective survey introduction.

4 min read Feature image

Did you know that the first few seconds of a survey can significantly impact the overall response rate? Popup surveys can be a powerful tool for gathering valuable feedback from your users, but their success heavily relies on the effectiveness of the survey introduction.

In this blog post, we will delve into the best practices for crafting effective survey introductions specifically tailored for popup surveys. From keeping it concise and clear to highlighting the benefits of participation, we will share valuable insights to help you create survey introductions that resonate with your target audience and drive higher response rates.

Understanding Survey Introduction

Imagine you’re a user engrossed in an app or website. Suddenly a survey popup appears! How do you feel in that moment? Annoyed? Valued? A thoughtfully crafted intro makes all the difference.

A survey introduction is more than just a greeting; it’s the first interaction users have with your survey. It sets the tone, clarifies the purpose, and can significantly impact response rates.

Imagine a pop-up survey without an introduction – it feels abrupt and may be ignored. Now, picture one with a friendly, concise intro explaining the survey’s quick nature and its goal to improve user experience. The difference is clear.

Benefits of Survey Introduction

  1. A well-crafted introduction can engage users, making them more likely to participate.
  2. It provides users with essential information about the survey, like its purpose and estimated completion time.
  3. Transparency in the introduction builds trust, encouraging honest and thoughtful responses.

Risks to consider

With all the benefits that survey introduction provides, they have some downsides too.

  1. Risk of Drop-offs: Lengthy or unclear introductions might lead to higher drop-off rates and can lead to survey fatigue.
  2. Biased responses: Subtle wording emphasis could prime users to provide skewed responses. For example: Hi, we have created this awesome feature, can you provide us your valuable feedback?

4 Creative Ways to Start Your Popup Surveys

1. Start with a question Starting your survey with a question can pique curiosity and encourage users to stick around for answers. For example: a. Can you guess the number one feature request from our users? Take a guess in our survey! b. What’s the most overlooked aspect of our website design? Share your thoughts!

2. Make it about the user Use data wisely to tailor the survey introduction to the user’s experience or preferences. Use data to create a connection with the user. For example:

  1. Hi [User’s Name], as a weekend user, what’s your favorite app feature?”
  2. We noticed you enjoy [Feature]. How can we make it even better?
  3. Your voice matters. Contribute to our growing user-driven innovation.

3. A little motivation goes a long way Offer a clear incentive for completing the survey. Whether it’s a discount, exclusive access, or a prize draw, incentives can significantly boost engagement. For example:

  1. Share your feedback and get early access to our new feature!
  2. Join our survey and enter a draw for a free premium subscription!
  3. Complete our 30-second survey and unlock an exclusive 10% discount on your next purchase!
  4. Share your thoughts and get a free upgrade for a month!

4. Connect through narratives Stories create emotional connections. Start your survey with a short, relatable story or scenario that leads into your questions. For example:

  1. Imagine you’re using an app that understands your needs perfectly. How close are we to that app?
  2. If you had the power to change one thing in our app, what would it be?
  3. Remember the first time you used our app? How did it feel? Share your journey.

Conclusion: Balancing art and science.

The decision to include survey introductions in your in-product surveys is a blend of art and science. While they offer significant benefits in engagement and clarity, their effectiveness can vary based on your audience and product.

As a rule of thumb:

  1. If you plan to ask just 1 or 2 questions and they do not include open ended responses, survey introduction can lead to unnecessary drop-off. But again, it is better to A/B test it.
  2. It should not be added to onboarding surveys like “How did you hear about us?” or the Net promoter score surveys.
  3. In all other cases, a well crafted introduction can help in getting better responses.

Given their intrusive nature, consider carefully what to include:

  1. Purpose - Explain why user feedback is valuable and how it will inform future product decisions users may benefit from
  2. Length - Keep it scannable with concise yet friendly language
  3. Incentive - Where applicable, indicate if/how users will be compensated

Conducting A/B testing with different styles of introductions can provide valuable insights tailored to your specific user base.

Last Updated: May 6, 2024
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